Learning with Texts - Fork 2.9.0-fork
Learn foreign languages with texts
No Matches
inc Directory Reference


directory  classes


file  ajax_add_term_transl.php
 Add a translation to term.
file  ajax_check_regexp.php
 Check whether a regexp is valid, returns error message or empty string.
file  ajax_chg_term_status.php
 Change term status (Table Test).
file  ajax_edit_impr_text.php
 Display table for Improved Annotation (Edit Mode),.
file  ajax_get_phonetic.php
 Make the phonetic translation of a word.
file  ajax_get_theme.php
 Return theme path.
file  ajax_load_feed.php
 Load a RSS feed.
file  ajax_save_impr_text.php
 Save Improved Annotation.
file  ajax_save_setting.php
 Save a Setting (k/v)
file  ajax_save_text_position.php
 Save text or audio position (Read Text Screen)
file  ajax_show_imported_terms.php
 Launch an AJAX query to show imported terms.
file  ajax_show_sentences.php
 Show sentences in edit_texts.php, etc.
file  ajax_show_similar_terms.php
 Show similar terms.
file  ajax_update_media_select.php
 Updating media select in edit_texts.php.
file  ajax_word_counts.php
 Calculating Word Counts, Ajax call in edit_texts.php.
file  database_connect.php
 Connects to the database and check its state.
file  kernel_utility.php
 Core utility functions that do not require a complete session.
file  langdefs.php
 Define all the supported languages.
file  mobile_interactions.php
 Handle interactions with mobile platforms.
file  session_utility.php
 All the files needed for a LWT session.
file  settings.php
 Proceed to the general settings.
file  simterms.php
 PHP Utility Functions to calculate similar terms of a term.
file  start_session.php
 Start a PHP session.
file  text_from_yt.php
 From to import a file from YouTube.
file  wp_logincheck.php
 WordPress Login Check.