Learning with Texts - Fork 2.9.0-fork
Learn foreign languages with texts
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LWT Online Demo - <em>try it out:</em>

  • General Hints:
    • Do not use for productive work!!
    • Your data may be deleted at any time by other users!!
    • Only one LWT table set is available - the multiple table set feature has been deactivated.
    • You may "reset" the demo by going to "Backup/Restore", and by clicking on "Install LWT Demo Database".

LWT Reviews and Blog Posts

LWT Forum Threads

Additional Resources

Similar software or services:

  • FLTR - Foreign Language Text Reader (Open Source Java Desktop Application).
  • LingQ.com (Web based service with tutoring. An account costs US$ 10 per month).
  • lingro.com (An on-line environment that allows anyone learning a language to quickly look up and learn the vocabulary).
  • readlang.com (An on-line service where you can import articles, read and translate them, and learn new words. Price: US$ 5 per month or US$ 48 per year).

Resources for various languages