Learning with Texts - Fork 2.9.0-fork
Learn foreign languages with texts
No Matches
LWT REST API Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the REST API endpoints available for LWT-community. The LWT API allows developers to interact with various features of the application, such as retrieving media paths, getting sentences containing a specific term, managing settings, and more.

Base URL

The base URL for all API endpoints is: http://[base_url]/api/v1, where base_url is your instance URL (e. g. localhost:8080).


Currently, the LWT API does not require authentication. However, authentication might be implemented in the future. Ensure that appropriate security measures are implemented on the client-side to protect user data.


The REST API should follow semantic versioning. In the API URL, v1 indicates "MAJOR version 1", and so on for the future versions. A track of all changes is kept in the CHANGELOG.md.

GET API Endpoints

Get Media Files Paths

Retrieves the files paths to the audio and video files in the media folder.

  • Endpoint: /media-files
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: None

Get Phonetic Reading

Retrieves the phonetic reading for any specified term.

  • Endpoint: /phonetic-reading
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: text and lang.

Get Next Word to Review

Retrieves the next word to be reviewed.

  • Endpoint: /review/next-word
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: test_key, selection, word_mode, lg_id, word_regex, type

Get Tomorrow's Reviews Number

Retrieves the number of reviews scheduled for tomorrow.

  • Endpoint: /review/tomorrow-count
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: test_key and selection

Get Sentences Containing New Term

Retrieves sentences that contain the specified term.

  • Endpoint: /sentences-with-term
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: lg_id, word_lc, and advanced_search (optional)

Get Sentences Containing Registred Term

Retrieves sentences that contain the specified term.

  • Endpoint: /sentences-with-term/{term-id}
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: lg_id and word_lc

Get Terms Similar to Another

Retrieves terms similar to the specified term.

  • Endpoint: /similar-terms
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: lg_id and term

Get Theme Path

Retrieves the path for a file using the user theme.

  • Endpoint: /settings/theme-path
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: path

Get Imported Terms

Retrieves the terms that were imported.

  • Endpoint: /terms/imported
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: last_update, page and count

Get Term Translations

Retrieves the translations for a specific term.

  • Endpoint: /terms/{term-id}/translations
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: text_id and term_lc

Get Texts Statistics

Retrieves statistics for multiple texts.

  • Endpoint: /texts/statistics
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: texts_id

Get API Version

Retrieves the version of the LWT API.

  • Endpoint: /version
  • Method: GET
  • Arguments: None

POST API Endpoints

Save Setting

Saves user settings.

  • Endpoint: /settings
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: key and value

Set Text Annotation

Sets the annotation for a specific text.

  • Endpoint: /texts/{text-id}/annotation
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: elem and data

Update Audio Position

Updates the audio position for a specific text.

  • Endpoint: /texts/{text-id}/audio-position
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: position

Update Reading Position

Updates the reading position for a specific text.

  • Endpoint: /texts/{text-id}/reading-position
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: position

Decrement Term Status

Decrements the status of a term.

  • Endpoint: /terms/{term-id}/status/down
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: None

Increment Term Status

Increments the status of a term.

  • Endpoint: /terms/{term-id}/status/up
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: None

Set Term Status

Sets the status of a term to a new value.

  • Endpoint: /terms/{term-id}/status/{new-status}
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: None

Update Existing Term Translation

Add a translation for an existing term.

  • Endpoint: /terms/{term-id}/translations
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: translation

Add New Term Translation

Adds a new translation for a term.

  • Endpoint: /terms/new
  • Method: POST
  • Arguments: term_text, lg_id and translation

Response Format

All API endpoints return responses in JSON format.